Table of Contents
Bio-Rad provides instruments, software, consumables, reagents, and content for the areas of cell biology, gene expression, protein purification, protein quantitation, drug discovery and manufacture, food safety, and science education. Bio-Rad life science products and solutions are based on technologies to separate, purify, identify, analyze, and amplify biological materials such as antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, cells, and bacteria.
Real Time PCR
Thermal Cycler
The T100 thermal cycler is a small thermal cycler offering a comprehensive set of convenient features in a small footprint. This compact thermal cycler features an intuitive touch-screen user interface to make running PCR easy.Thermal gradient technology allows you to quickly optimize your reaction in a single run.
Real Time PCR
Real Time PCR
The CFX Opus delivers sensitive, reliable detection of both singleplex and multiplex real-time PCR reactions. The CFX Opus System is the next evolution in qPCR from Bio-Rad. CFX Opus 96 for most general qPCR applications…….
The CFX Opus delivers sensitive, reliable detection of both singleplex and multiplex real-time PCR reactions. The CFX Opus System is the next evolution in qPCR from Bio-Rad. CFX Opus 384 for larger throughput needs…..
Digital PCR
Digital PCR
The QX ONE ddPCR System is designed to deliver a precise and multiplxed digital PCR system……
This system provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen and probe-based Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) applications…..
PCR & qPCR Reagents
PCR & qPCR Reagents
Bio-Rad’s supermixes can make any qPCR experiment easier, faster, and more
effective .real-time PCR supermixes are any instrument, chemistry & conditions…..
cDNA synthesis kits helps to meet researchers’ needs, including high fidelity or dealing with challenging samples & difficult targets……
Bio-Rad offers robust and reliable solutions to amplify RNA targets on all qPCR platforms including both ROX-dependent and ROX-independent systems….
Bio-Rad iTaq™ DNA polymerase is an antibody-mediated hot-start DNA polymerase suitable for both PCR and real-time PCR applications…..
PCR Plastic Consumables
PCR Plastic Consumables
Extensive range of 48-well, 96-well, and 384-well PCR plates: high-profile or low-profile; skirted, semi-skirted, or unskirted; clear, white, or black wells….
Wide array of polypropylene thin-wall tubes and caps for PCR and other assays. It include individual tubes, low and high-profile tube strips….
Bio-Rad offers several adhesive and heat sealing films for 96-well and 384-well PCR plates for different PCR and real-time PCR workflows…..
A wide variety of PCR sealing and positioning tools are available to facilitate sample handling….
Protein & Nucleic Analysis
Bio-Rad offer a range of electrophoresis chambers for running mini, midi, and large format vertical gels….
Bio-Rad offers a variety of horizontal electrophoresis cells that are ideal for DNA gel electrophoresis…
Bio-Rad offers a complete line of high-quality power supplies for electrophoretic techniques……
Select the best protein gel formulation (precast/ hand cast) and size for SDS-PAGE & native PAGE applications….
Western Blotting
Western Blotting
The Trans-Blot Turbo system is a rapid protein transfer apparatus that can transfer protein to membrane in as little as 3 minutes…..
The Trans-Blot SD semi-dry transfer cell allows fast, efficient, and economical blotting without a buffer tank or gel cassettes….
Mini Trans-Blot cell accommodates two gel holders for electrophoretic transfer of mini gels….
Premixed buffers are available for a variety of protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis protocols….
Gel Imaging
Gel Imaging
Bio-Rad Gel documentation systems are market-leading, reliable, and easy-to-use systems for all your DNA and protein gel documentation needs. Stain-free enabled imaging systems, when used with stain-free gels, allow immediate visualization of proteins without the time, mess, and cost…..
The ChemiDoc Go Imaging System is capable of imaging chemiluminescence, Stain-Free gels and blots, all common nucleic acid and protein gel stains, as well as StarBright Blue 520 and 700 fluorescent blots. It is the first gel and western blot imager capable of connecting to the cloud for easy image upload, storage, and access.….
The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System is a full-feature instrument for imaging and analyzing gels and western blots. It is designed to address multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, general gel documentation applications, and stain-free technology imaging needs….
Chromatography Systems and Components
Explore preconfigured medium-pressure NGC Chromatography Systems to suit a wide range of protein purification throughput & application needs….
Explore a complete line of chromatography resins and media with various base bead and ligand chemistries for lab-scale and bioproduction purification needs….
Columns are available in a wide selection of pressure ratings and sizes, and are compatible with common chromatography systems and bioproduction equipment
Standards are available for ion exchange and size exclusion (gel filtration) chromatography, as well as for analysis of organic acids and carbohydrates.
The Bio-Plex suspension array system offers protein and nucleic acid researchers a flexible and reliable multiplex assay solution that permits analysis of up to 100 biomolecules in a single sample…..
The Bio-Plex 3D System is the next generation multiplexing platform based on xMAP technology. Expanded multiplexing capability, faster results, and automation make it the platform of choice for high-throughput testing….
Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassays allow you to simultaneously quantify up to 500 proteins, peptides, and nucleic acid targets in a single 12.5 µl sample……
Primary antibodies directly bind specific antigens with high specificity and affinity…..
When one antibody binds to an idiotope of another antibody it is referred to as an anti-idiotypic antibody…..
Fluorescent western blotting antibodies address the need for accurate, quantitative protein analyses….
Blotting-grade HRP conjugates (horseradish peroxidase) and AP conjugates (alkaline phosphatase) produce specific results, eliminating false positives in western blotting immunoassays…
A matched antibody pair for ELISA consists of a capture antibody and a detection antibody. In a matched ELISA pair, each antibody is specific for a different and non-overlapping region or epitope of the antigen….
Isotype controls are a type of negative control designed to measure the level of non-specific background signal caused by primary antibodies, based upon the tissue type of the sample…..
StarBright™ Dyes have been designed to be stable with superior brightness, narrow excitation and emission characteristics and the flexibility to be included in new and existing experiments….
TransFectin reagent is a cationic lipid reagent that delivers the highest efficiencies and expression levels over a broad range of cell lines, including some difficult-to-transfect….
siLentFect reagent is a high-efficiency cationic lipid developed for the transfection of cultured mammalian cells with short interfering RNA (siRNA)….
The Gene Pulser Xcell is a flexible, modular electroporation system for transfecting every cell type from primary, suspension, and difficult-to-transfect cells, including T cells, to bacteria and fungi.
Electroporation is perfect for routine bacterial transformation. The MicroPulser Electroporator enables simple and reproducible transformation of E. coli, yeast, and other microorganisms.
Gene Pulser /Micropulser™ electroporation cuvettes are high-quality electroporation cuvettes which enable reproducible and consistent gene delivery to valuable transfection samples.
Gene Pulser electroporation buffer is formulated to improve electroporation by minimizing cell mortality while ensuring highly efficient delivery of nucleic acids.
Biolistic Particle Delivery System
Biolistic Particle Delivery System
The Helios Gene Gun is a convenient handheld device that provides rapid and direct transfection into a range of targets in vivo….
The PDS-1000/He system accelerates nucleic acid–coated gold or tungsten microparticles (0.6–1.6 µm) to velocities necessary to transfect cells, tissues, or organelles….